- Marathon Middle High School
- Library / Learning Commons
Welcome to the Library and Learning Commons Page
The Media Center is open!
Students, two at a time and with a pass, may come to check-out/return books, have a quiet place to read, or work on assignments. If a student would like to browse for a book, they must use the Destiny Discover app in ClassLink, or www.gofollett.com, to find a book prior to coming in. Students log-in to the site using the same credentials as their Chromebook. This policy is in place to keep all students safe and minimize exposure.
Everyone must use hand sanitizer when entering the Media Center, masks are required at all times, students may only handle books that they want to check out, and everyone must maintain social distancing. Students with a pass are welcome any time throughout the day.
All current library fines are being waived. Students with outstanding books are encouraged to return them ASAP. Last school year ended in a very unusual manner, and we understand that many students just could not get their books back to campus. If a student is unable to locate their book, please see Ms. Medero in the Media Center. Please note though that the Media Center is back up and running, and regular book checkout procedures and policies are in place. From now on, if a student is late to return a book or if they lose it, fines and fees will be incurred.
Superintendent's Remarkable Reader's Award
Click this link to find out the current criteria for the Superintendent's Remarkable Reader's Award.
Links for Teachers
- CPALMS - Florida Standards
- Top Documentary Films
- Animoto
- Google Earth
- Annenberg Media - Video Series
- Teacher Tube
- National Archives Primary Sources
- Online Stopwatch
- Innovative Pedagogy 2014
- Free Resource from EasyBib on Paraphrasing
Exploring new forms of teaching, learning and assessment, to guide educators and policy makers
- School District Demographics
- Laminator Usage Plan
- Media Center Procedures -Teachers
- Awesome Stories
- Virtual Travel
- Interactive, Multimedia Sites
- Resources to support the SAMR Model
- Past Google's first page: Gauging students' global search skills
- These 6 questions determine if you're technology rich, innovation poor
- How to Evaluate Online Resources (lesson plans, CC standards, and source evaluation resources)
- Black History Month (11 minute crash course on the transatlantic slave trade)
Resources for Evaluating Websites (from EasyBib)
Links for Students
- Renaissance Place/Accelerated Reader Log-in: Clicking this link will take you to Renaissance Place where students can take accelerated reader tests.
- 100 Best Ever Teen Novels
- Purdue Online Writing Lab,general academic writing,research and citation
- Noodle Bib Express MLA citation formatting (MLA is the preferred style by MHS)
- Son of Citation Machine, MLA citation formatting
- Destiny Quest
Media Specialist Jeanette Medero
Phone: 305-289-2480 x 55364
Email: jeanette.medero@keysschools.com