Certification Renewal of FL Professional Educator Certificate

  • Video: Renewal Application

    MCSD Educators:

    For renewal of all subjects and endorsements on your Florida professional educator certificate, 120 points are required, which must include at least 20 in-service points or 1 college credit in Students With Disabilities “SWD” within the validity dates of your current certificate. 

    Make sure the PL offering in Professional Growth has “SWD” in the title to be bankable and count toward your SWD requirement.  If an offering is labeled “ESE” (only), you get the points but they are not bankable and will not credit toward the 20-point SWD requirement to renew the professional certificate.  There are online offerings at www.fl-pda.org to satisfy the SWD requirement where you will provide the certificate of completion with Principal-approved follow-up to your School PL Contact to enter the points into your portfolio in Professional Growth. 

    NEW For certificates expiring 6/30/2025 and after- If there is a subject or endorsement on your FL certificate that is listed below, you will need 40 in-service points or 2 college credits in the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading instruction, developing phonemic awareness, and implementing multisensory intervention strategies. It’s important to note that a passing score on the Reading K-12 subject area exam does not satisfy this requirement.

    • Elementary Education (K-6)
    • Prekindergarten/Primary Education (age 3 through gr. 3)
    • Elementary Education (grades 1-6)
    • Primary Education (grades K-3)
    • English (grades 1-6)
    • Middle Grades English (grades 5-9)
    • Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (grades 5-9)
    • English (6-12)
    • Reading (K-12)
    • Reading (Endorsement)
    • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL K-12)
    • Exceptional Student Education (K-12)


    NEW For certificates expiring 6/30/2025 and after- If there is a subject or endorsement on your certificate that is listed below, you will need 20 in-service points or 1 college credit in Florida’s Educational Leadership Standards. Make sure the PL offering in Professional Growth has “EdL” in the title to count toward this requirement.

    • Educational Leadership
    • School Principal

    Passing a subject area exam at www.fl.nesinc.com within your current validity dates for a subject area on your FL certificate (or added before professional certificate expiration) may satisfy 60 points toward renewal.  The testing agency will automatically submit the official score report to the FDOE within approximately 30 days from the date you pass an exam.  With Exceptional Student Education K-12 on your professional certificate, passing the ESE K-12 subject area exam within your current validity dates would satisfy 60 points of renewal credit AND satisfy the SWD requirement.  To use the passing exam points, you only need to pass the ESE test and (if ESE is not already on your FL certificate) apply to add ESE K-12 to your FL certificate before professional certificate expiration. 

    Completing or teaching any college course where 3 credits are awarded to students (within your current professional validity dates) may credit 60 points toward renewal.  We recommend you check with the FDOE edcert@fldoe.org (put your name and FDOE number in the subject area of an email to the FDOE) to be sure college coursework would satisfy your FL SWD educator training requirement to renew.  If you choose college coursework to complete requirements, let us know at renewal that you had official college transcripts showing course completion(s) within your validity dates mailed to:  

    Florida Department of Education
    Bureau of Educator Certification
    Suite 201, Turlington Building
    325 W. Gaines Street
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400

    Educators must be current MCSD employees for this office to process their FL professional educator certificate renewal.  Please select “Apply” at www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification to renew all subjects on your FL professional educator certificate.  Be sure to update your address, phone number and use your personal email with the FDOE.  You will know the application is complete when you get through to the summary page.  The FDOE will then route your application to the MCSD Certification Office.  

    Please do not provide payment until all requirements are complete and you have applied with Florida to renew your professional educator certificate.  Payment must be received in the Certification Office to enable us to process the renewal.  Please scroll down to “My Account” and register at https://mcsd.revtrak.net/ to then submit your “Current Educator Employee Certification Fee” of $75.52 total.  To find your Employee Identification Number “EIN”, which you will need to register, go to the SIS side of Focus and find your Tool Bar (could be on the side or across the top) to select the drop-down arrow for “Employee Self Service”.  In My Information, you will find your EIN, which MCSD uses to identify you instead of your SSN.     

    We will send you an email to let you know when your renewal has been processed.  Then, watch for an FDOE email with a link to print the renewed certificate for your file.

    It is your responsibility to remain in compliance.  Please keep the Certification Office updated with any changes to your FL educator certificate.   

