Office of Compliance

  • The MCSD has designated the following persons to serve as the Compliance Officers, also known as the Civil Rights Coordinators; hereinafter referred to as COs.  These persons shall also serve as the MCSD Section 504 Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator and the Title IX Coordinator.

    The school district has appointed a male and female Compliance Officer (CO) in order to provide complainants with the option to report their concerns to an individual of the gender with which they feel most comfortable.  The COs also serve as the District’s Section 504 Compliance Officer/ADA Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator.  Additionally, by appointing two COs, there should always be a CO available to investigate a claim of discrimination/retaliation that pertains to the other CO. 

    Compliance Officers

    Harry Russell
    Executive Director, Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership
    305-2393-1400 extension 53330
    241 Trumbo Road
    Key West, FL  33040

    Dr. Lesley Thompson
    Direction, Exceptional Student Education
    305-93-1400 extension 53378
    255 Crane Boulevard
    Sugarloaf, FL  33042

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