MTSS- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

  • The Monroe County School District is committed to providing high quality instruction and support to promote the highest achievement for all students. MTSS is a proactive approach to identify students who need extra support with academics and/or behavior. Early identification can help students catch up to their peers. The key components of MTSS include: 

    • Parental Involvement 
    • Universal screening of all students in math, reading, and behavior 
    • Tiers of intervention that can be increased or decreased based on student response 
    • Data collection and progress monitoring 
    • School-wide approaches to instruction, expectations, and support

    Schools that utilize the MTSS framework seek successful educational and behavioral outcomes for all students. The framework is flexible and allows students to move from tier to tier as needed. MTSS focuses on the overall needs of individual students. MTSS leads to a positive school climate, which ultimately leads to improved student achievement (PBIS Rewards, 2024; Intervention Central, 2024).