Teacher Induction Program

  • Welcome to the New Experienced and Beginning Teacher Induction Program (Revised July 2022). The new Teacher Induction Program is available through the Canvas link below or see your PD Contact for additional assistance.

    Mentor Guidelines

    • Participate in a Peer/Mentor Training Session or booster session/meeting if assigned.
    • Meet with Beginning Teacher 30 minutes per week
    • Attend the four School Induction Support Group meetings 
    • Help the new hire:
      • Complete the New and Beginning Teacher Induction Program with Danielson Training in Canvas
      • Create their PGP Plan and evaluate the outcomes at mid-year and end-of-year
      • Coach two lessons per year
      • Model two lessons per year

    Peer Guidelines

    • Participate in Peer/Mentor Training Session or booster session/meeting if assigned.
    • Meet with a New Experienced Teacher 30 minutes, two times per month.
    • Attend the four School Induction Support Group meetings 
    • Help the new hire:
      • Complete the New and Beginning Teacher Induction Program with Danielson Training in Canvas
      • Create their PGP Plan and evaluate the outcomes at mid-year and end-of-year
      • Coach one lesson per year if appropriate
      • Model one lesson per year if appropriate

Useful links: